MACHINES TRUST US TODAY CONTACT US LABORATORY EQUIPMENTS BinocularMicroscope Olympus CX21Binocular Microscope Olympus CX22Binocular MicroscopeOlympus CX31Binocular ProfessionalMicrosc0peElectric Centrifuge6 buckets Electric Centrifuge,6BucketsElectric Centrifuge,8 buckets Electrolyte Analyser+ (K+,Na+,Cl-Reagents Reader and Water ESR Determination Machine automaticFully automated Chemistry Random Access AnalyzerHemocue (HB Machine) Hematology Analyzer 3-Part Differential Hematology Analyzer 5-Part Differential Immersion oilMicropipettes variable volumes single channelnProfessional Binocular MicroscopeSemi-automated Chemistry AnalyzerSlide Draining Rack(Wooden and Metallic) Urine strip readerVDRL Shake /Rotatorhand tallycounterVortex mixerE.T.C MACHINES